Rabbit Gamma Globulin

0.01 EUR

Rabbit Gamma Globulin
Rabbit Gamma Globulin

Categoria di prodotto: Commercio e industria > Scienza e laboratorio

Catalog number: / Dimensione: / Prezzo: EUR (IVA esclusa)

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Rabbit Gamma Globulin
Rabbit Gamma Globulin

Catalog number: / Dimensione: / Prezzo: EUR (IVA esclusa)

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Disponibilità: Per ordinare Numero di catalogo: 21005-1

Categoria di prodotto: Commercio e industria > Scienza e laboratorio

Fornitore: Gentaur Taglia: 1 g

Rabbit gamma globulin is purified from serum obtained from normal healthy rabbits (male and female) by using various fractionation procedures. It is in lyophilized powder form with purity of 95% or more. Protein by weight: O.D. 280 nm E1%1.39: ? 85% - Residual salts, lipids, etc. comprise the rest of the weight.

All products from Pel-Freez are available in Europe and worldwide via Gentaur. If you cannot find the item you need send us an inquiry and we will be in touch with you with pricing and delivery information in less than 12 hours.

Shipped on ambinet temperature. Store refrigerated at +4 °C.

Applications: as a stabilizer/blocker for various immunoassays such as EIA, RIA, IHC, Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot and ELISA. May also be used for protein standards preparation.

For research use only. Not to be used for human or anumal treatment or consumption.

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