Magnetic Separator
0.01 EUR
Categoria di prodotto: Commercio e industria > Scienza e laboratorio
Catalog number: / Dimensione: / Prezzo: EUR (IVA esclusa)
Categoria di prodotto: Commercio e industria > Scienza e laboratorio
Fornitore: Gentaur Taglia: 2 mL/200 uL/15 mLProdotti relativi
Magnetic Separator
HandiMag Magnetic Separator
MicroMag Magnetic Separator
This Magnetic Separator is a proprietary machine, supportinga the magnetic beads series of products. A core tenent is the use of a superior magnetic, to ensure that magnetic separation step can be completed in a short time.
Ambient temperature of shipping and storage.
For research use only. Not to be used for diagnostics or treatment.
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